Unveiling the Magic: 7 Things to know about Chemical Peels

VI Peels Overview; chemical peels

Are you looking to improve the health of your skin? There’s a cosmetic procedure that can do the trick. A chemical peel can do wonders for your skin.

Chemical Peels are only one of the wonderful anti-aging services available at ThrIVe Wheeling.

The words “chemical” and “peel” might not sound good together. There’s no need to worry as this treatment is effective and safe. It’s a popular procedure among celebrities.

You don’t have to break the bank to get a chemical peel. Want to learn how this procedure can help improve your skin? Read this article to find out.

1. What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a restorative procedure that improves the skin. It uses a chemical solution to remove damaged layers of skin cells. By peeling away these skin cells, the procedure reveals healthy, new skin.

The youthful skin underneath the damaged layers of skin cells will appear. It does this by causing safe trauma or injury to the skin’s layers. These layers will then peel off.

The new skin that grows in its place is healthier and smoother. It will have fewer lines and wrinkles. Plus, the color of the new skin is better and the complexion is brighter.

There are many different types of chemical peels you can choose from based on your skin needs.

The VI Peel is very effective in reducing hyper pigmentation issues, such as melasma, which is the most difficult pigmenation problem to fix. It also yields amazing results for those with acne.

  • VI Peel ORIGINAL – for Tone & Texture – for Sensitive skin, Early signs of aging (ages 20+), Rough texture, and Keratosis Pilaris
  • VI Peel ADVANCED – for Enhanced Collagen Stimulation – for Aging Skin (ages 40+), Wrinkles, Fine Lines, and Loss of Elasticity
  • VI Peel PRECISION PLUS – for Skin Discoloration – for UV-induced Pigmentation, Sun Damage, Melasma, and Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
  • VI Peel – PURIFY – for Active Acne & Oily Skin – for Active Acne, Breakout Prone Skin, Oily & Congested Skin, and Teen Acne
  • VI Peel – PURIFY with PRECISION PLUS – for Acne & Acne Scarring – Excessive Oil, Acne with Hyperpigmentation, Acne Scarring, and Adult Acne.

If you aren’t sure which Peel is right for you, let one of our skin care experts help you choose!

2. What Conditions Can a Chemical Peel Treat

A chemical peel is a popular procedure because it can help to treat different conditions. It can also improve one’s skin appearance. It does this by improving the skin’s tone and texture.

Your face, neck, or hands can undergo a chemical peel. It works great on fine lines. Yes, the ones under the eyes and around the mouth.

It can treat certain types of acne and scarring. It also works on sun, age, and liver spots. If you have freckles, you should consider this procedure.

A chemical peel can also treat rough skin and hyperpigmentation. It doesn’t work well on bulges and deep scars. It will not work well on severe wrinkles.

3. Are You a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel

At this point, you might be wondering if you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure. A chemical peel works great on all skin types.

If you have a darker skin tone, it is important to go with specific types of chemical peels. Persons with darker skin tones could experience darkening of the skin after the wrong chemical peel for their skin.

4. How Does It Work?

You can undergo a chemical peel in a doctor’s office or an aesthetic center. It will be an outpatient procedure.

There are different types of chemical peels, but the preparation is similar for each. First, they will use an agent to cleanse the skin. The agent will remove excess oils.

Then, it’s time to apply the chemical solution to the skin. A brush or sponge is used for this. The chemical solution will contain a certain type of acid.

You’ll have your eyes covered to prevent the chemical solution from going into them. They will also protect your hair to prevent damage.

During the chemical peel, you’ll feel a warm sensation. It might feel hot, but it’ll last for a few minutes. You might also feel a stinging sensation.

To relieve this sensation, they will apply a cool compress to the skin. The time it takes to complete depends on the type of procedure. It can last up to 30 minutes.

Once the procedure is over, the staff will tell you how to care for your skin in the coming days.

5. The Recovery Process

The recovery process is different for each chemical peel procedure. It’s common to experience mild irritation and dryness. 

The healing time can take between one to seven days for a light chemical peel. 

There’s a reason why this procedure has its name. After three to five days with a chemical peel, the skin will begin to peel away. The skin will peel off as it does after a sunburn.

Your job is to clean the skin but don’t pull or pick at it because doing so can cause skin irritation.

Our experts will give you instructions to follow. You must follow the instructions to experience the best results.

The instructions will discuss sun protection. This is a must after undergoing a chemical peel. Use sunscreen as the skin will be more sensitive to the sun’s rays.

It’s crucial to keep your skin cool. Limit the exposure you get to the sun and try not to overdo yourself when exercising.

Don’t worry if you start to get pimples. This can happen, but if it does, it’ll clear up within a few days.

6. Be Patient

Be mindful that the results of a chemical peel take time to see. You won’t see the results overnight. Some people peel a lot and others peel very little. Neither is good or bad, as the saying goes: “the skin does what the skin does.”

After you start seeing the results, you must start to take care of your skin. If you have any concerns about the result, you can schedule a follow-up visit.

7. The Bottom Line

If you want to improve the appearance of your skin, you should consider getting a chemical peel. This type of procedure can help to treat different skin conditions.

A chemical peel will remove damaged skin layers. It gives healthy, smoother skin the chance to grow in place. You’ll be happy with the results.

Do you want to learn more about how a chemical peel works and if it can benefit you? Contact ThrIVe Wheeling for more info!

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